Seobility changelog

Version 1.8.22 06/26/2024

  • FIXED The "adults only" classification has been improved.
  • FIXED A problem with the display of ranking history data and the search volume of individual keywords has been fixed.

Version 1.8.19 06/06/2024

  • FIXED The "adults only" classification has been improved.
  • CHANGED Websites with HTTP/2 protocol are no longer checked for the number of Javascript and CSS files.

Version 1.8.18 05/27/2024

  • FIXED The visibility trend graphic in the Ranking Dashboard now reflects the selected setting show or hide Local Pack.

Version 1.8.17 05/24/2024

  • FIXED An error in the “Pages with a lot of internal links” analysis has been fixed.
  • ADDED The calculation of the analyses now starts faster and has a positive effect on the crawling duration.
  • CHANGED For the recognition of "adults only" we will use raw HTML from now on.

Version 1.8.16 05/02/2024

  • CHANGED The handling of subdomains (not www.) and the top level domains like has been improved.

Version 1.8.15 04/24/2024

  • ADDED New standard filter in the Ranking Dashboard: Search intent.
  • FIXED A problem with the VAT ID for additional bookings has been fixed.
  • CHANGED Recognition of “adults only” has been improved.
  • FIXED A problem with the recognition of the charset encoding in the HTML header has been fixed.

Version 1.8.14 04/17/2024

  • ADDED We now recognize the data-nonsippet and do not analyze it further. It is therefore perfect as an specification for cookie banners, for example.
  • ADDED You can now set show or hide Local Pack as the default value in the Ranking Dashboard. Use the keyword monitoring settings for this.

Version 1.8.13 04/12/2024

  • FIXED The CSV Export in Ranking dashboard now includes search intent information again.

Version 1.8.12 04/09/2024

  • FIXED We have fixed an error in the counting of frequent keywords. This can affect various analyses.
  • CHANGED The "adults only" detection has been updated.

Version 1.8.11 03/19/2024

  • FIXED An iOS issue with th unsubscribe functionality has been fixed.
  • CHANGED We now show all ranking URLs with the corresponding rank in the ranking reports.

Version 1.8.9 03/06/2024

  • CHANGED The crawling mode "Chrome with JavaScript" always uses HTTP/1.1.
  • FIXED An error in the PDF Report has been fixed.

Version 1.8.8 02/28/2024

  • ADDED In the CSV exports and PDF outputs in the Rankings section, all URLs and their rankings are now displayed for the respective keyword.

Version 1.8.7 02/21/2024

  • CHANGED Analysis "Pages with a high internal links" and "Pages with few internal links" has been changed. We now only consider relevant pages and only count internal outbound links. Before this change, we also considered non-relevant pages and external links.

Version 1.8.6 02/14/2024

  • FIXED An error when retrieving the ranking data has been fixed.
  • CHANGED We have changed the way we recognize frequent keywords. Therefore, it may happen that the analysis "Competing pages for the same keywords" is triggered.
  • FIXED An error in recognizing the file size has been fixed.
  • ADDED We show the search intent for the keywords also in the keyword browser.

Version 1.8.5 02/08/2024

  • FIXED A bug with wrong search volume data has been fixed.
  • FIXED If no search intent was detected for a keyword, we show -/- .

Version 1.8.3 01/31/2024

  • ADDED We have added a new, floating box to give you the option of running a re-crawl once when you are in on-page analysis. This allows you to see the optimizations you have made also in Seobility.
  • FIXED The bug in sorting tags in the Ranking dashboard has been fixed. You can sort by tag again.

Version 1.8.2 01/22/2024

  • FIXED A issue with some Safari browser versions has been fixed.
  • FIXED The onpage score is displayed again in the PDF report of the SEO checker.

Version 1.8.1 01/15/2024

  • ADDED The ranking data retrieval has been improved.

Version 1.8.0 01/11/2024

  • ADDED NEW New feature: The search intent for each added keyword is now available in the Rank Tracking. 🎉 You will also find the search intent for the keywords in the keyword research tool. More information on how you can optimize content for searchers’ needs can be found in our blog article.

Version 1.7.37 01/03/2024

  • CHANGED We disallow the following characters in registration emails: /&=",:;@\<>()[] and spaces to ensure that you receive all the necessary information from us.
  • FIXED A bug in the PDF Export has been fixed.

Version 1.7.36 12/12/2023

  • FIXED An issue with the keyword detail graph view has been fixed.
  • FIXED The response time of pages that return an HTTP status code other than 200 and were crawled in JS crawling mode is shown correctly again.

Version 1.7.35 11/29/2023

  • FIXED A problem in the ranking data has been fixed.
  • CHANGED The retrieval of keyword information for keyword suggesstions has been updated.

Version 1.7.34 11/21/2023

  • ADDED CSV Exports has been improved.

Version 1.7.32 11/09/2023

  • CHANGED CURL (Standard) Crawlings automatically tries to call with HTTP/2 and falls back to HTTP/1 if this does not work.

Version 1.7.31 10/29/2023

  • FIXED The differences between the Backlink Checker and the Backlink Dashboard have been fixed.

Version 1.7.29 10/12/2023

  • FIXED Further improvements to the Ranking Gathering.

Version 1.7.28 10/05/2023

  • FIXED Further improvements to the Ranking Gathering.

Version 1.7.27 09/25/2023

  • FIXED The date of discovery and the last check of the backlinks found are displayed again.
  • ADDED The entire software is available in Spanish. 🇪🇸
  • FIXED The redirect handling of our JS Crawler has been improved.
  • FIXED The ranking data retrieval has been improved.

Version 1.7.26 09/11/2023

  • FIXED Several issues with the monitoring of ranking data have been fixed.

Version 1.7.24 08/30/2023

  • CHANGED We will ignore the following words for word repetitions in Spanish from now on: a , de , en , que . Since the double use of these is a normal usage in Spanish.

Version 1.7.23 08/22/2023

  • FIXED A security problem when resetting the password or changing the e-mail has been fixed.

Version 1.7.22 08/08/2023

  • ADDED NEW New optimization tips videos for many onpage analysis available.
  • FIXED An issue with blocked domains has been fixed.

Version 1.7.21 07/19/2023

  • CHANGED Some search engines are no longer supported in the Keyword Research Tool.
  • FIXED A display error in the Problematic page title analysis has been fixed.
  • FIXED It is possible to add projects and keywords again.

Version 1.7.19 07/06/2023

  • ADDED The Ranking PDF report now also shows the tags that have been created.
  • CHANGED The percentage of follow / nofollow backlinks is now based on all backlinks. Previously, the information was limited to the top 500 backlinks.
  • FIXED Address changes during an upgrade are again correctly recognized and processed.

Version 1.7.18 06/29/2023

  • FIXED The retrieval of keyword information has been improved.
  • FIXED The DNS check of the start URL now also correctly considers subdomains.

Version 1.7.16 06/22/2023

  • ADDED The Keyword CSV Upload now also supports given tags.
  • FIXED The problems with the creation of long keywords has been fixed.
  • FIXED A display error while entering the individual Robots.txt has been fixed.

Version 1.7.15 06/11/2023

  • FIXED An error in the retrieval of ranking data has been fixed.

Version 1.7.13 06/06/2023

  • FIXED A display error in the optimization notes has been fixed.
  • ADDED The de- and encoding of charset Windows-1252 has been improved.

Version 1.7.12 05/25/2023

  • ADDED The automatic domain validation when creating a project has been improved.
  • FIXED An error in the ranking retrieval has been fixed.

Version 1.7.11 05/16/2023

  • ADDED The CSV upload during keyword creation now automatically detects with which separation the records are separated.

Version 1.7.10 04/13/2023

  • CHANGED When adding new keywords via CSV upload, the selected country is taken into account if no search engine is specified in the CSV file.
  • CHANGED The Agency Plan has from now on 200 credits per day for the single page checks.
  • FIXED A bug that incorrectly displayed empty anchor texts for outgoing links has been fixed.
  • FIXED A bug in URL parsing has been fixed.
  • FIXED All data of the Robots.txt are taken into consideration again.
  • FIXED The ranking report shows the change from the previous week.

Version 1.7.8 02/23/2023

  • ADDED The Backlinks CSV export now also contains the information about removed backlinks.
  • ADDED Some CSV exports have been improved in terms of content.
  • CHANGED The entered Accept Language is decisive for checking and forwarding the entered Start URL as well as for checking external links.
  • FIXED All non-relevant pages in the analysis of a single subdirectory are correctly detected again.
  • FIXED A parsing bug in the analysis of the most important keywords of a subpage has been fixed.
  • FIXED False positives in the analysis of images with missing alt attribute has been fixed.

Version 1.7.7 01/25/2023

  • ADDED The Punycode encoding of the start URL has been improved.
  • ADDED The errors in the analysis "Problems with external links" can now be filtered.
  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The accepted mobile title length in the SERP snippet generator has been increased from 550 pixels to 580 pixels.
  • CHANGED script-tags with the content .* are excluded from the analyses.
  • CHANGED Keyword data for keywords with Google Search Prefixes (for example: can not be requested anymore.
  • CHANGED Pages with the nofollow attribute have been removed from the analysis "Pages with a high number of internal links".
  • CHANGED Referring pages that contain an alternate link attribute are no longer included in the analysis "Identical link texts to different pages".
  • FIXED The detection of XML sitemaps has been improved.
  • FIXED The number of incoming links is correctly displayed in the page information again.
  • FIXED The encoding of ISO-8859-15 has been improved.
  • FIXED An error in the creation of PDF reports has been fixed.
  • FIXED A display error in the keyword information related to the Local Packs has been fixed.
  • FIXED Pages with HTTP status code 204 (no content) are not classified as erroneous any more.
  • FIXED An error when entering the URL in the Keyword Research Tool has been fixed.
  • FIXED The incorrect value of the search volume of German cities has been fixed.

Version 1.7.6 11/23/2022

  • ADDED The change in search volume per keyword is now displayed as a progress chart.
  • CHANGED Pages with content type text/plain are no longer parsed as HTML files.
  • FIXED The analysis of strong and bold tags has been improved.
  • FIXED The charset encoding of ISO-8859-1 has been improved.
  • FIXED An error in the handling of coded umlaut domains has been fixed.
  • FIXED H1 headings that are contained in both script tags and HTML code are not considered twice in H1 analysis.
  • FIXED An display error in the Ranking Dashboard has been fixed.
  • FIXED All URLs found in a sitemap are listed again.

Version 1.7.5 10/27/2021

  • ADDED From 10/27/2021 on Website Rankings in the Local Pack are added to the calculation of your visibility. This can help you monitor rankings from local businesses and services. Placing within the Local Pack creates an additional value which will be added equally to organic placings to your visibility. This will show a rise in visibility for projects with a significant amount of Local Pack rankings.
  • ADDED Local pack and Featured snippets are now marked in the ranking comparison with competitors
  • ADDED Rank Tracking gives you the opportunity now, to switch between organic and local pack visibility.
  • ADDED Rank Tracking gives you the opportunity now, to switch between organic and local pack visibility.
  • ADDED IMPORTANT In addition to short (0 to 0.5 seconds) and long response times (from 1 second), we now also show medium response times (0.5 to 1 second). This can lead to changed scores in the Site Audit.
  • ADDED You can now switch the Local Pack for Rank Tracking in graphs and tables.
  • ADDED The backlink overview lists removed backlinks as well.
  • ADDED The lists in the backlink analysis can now be sorted.
  • ADDED The loading time of the Ranking Dashboard has been improved.
  • ADDED From now on, too many strong and bold tags will also be listed as errors.
  • CHANGED There is now an error message if the crawl was aborted because of a 429 status code for file sources
  • CHANGED You can now filter internal link texts that need improvement for empty alt attributes on linked images.
  • CHANGED Tracking pixels are ignored in the alt attribute analysis from now on.
  • CHANGED Ranking reports can be created with and without Local Pack data.
  • CHANGED The analysis of included files has been improved. From now on, the content type "image/webp" is recognized correctly.
  • CHANGED Files included as .png and .jpg are now also valid with the content types webp and avif.
  • CHANGED The www redirect check no longer includes the redirects of the robots.txt in the analysis.
  • CHANGED A blacklist check of the analysed domains no longer exists.
  • FIXED You can now also find Featured Snippet and Local Pack data for dropouts in Rank Tracking.
  • FIXED The PDF report in SEO Check now recognizes the selected crawl type.
  • FIXED WebP images are now recognized correctly.
  • FIXED Problems with parsing of XHTML websites have been fixed.
  • FIXED The missing labeling for Local Packs has been added to the reports
  • FIXED The performance of the competitor comparison in the Rank tracking dashboard has been improved.
  • FIXED Erroneous retrievals of pages in JS crawling with "Bot error unknown" have been fixed.
  • FIXED The detection of empty alt attributes has been corrected.
  • FIXED We have standardized and corrected the usage of umlaut domains in the tools.
  • FIXED File sources with blob: as content are now handled correctly.
  • FIXED The user agent specified in the crawling settings is now correctly taken into account in the live analysis of a subpage.
  • FIXED Image URLs with apostrophes will be evaluated correctly.
  • FIXED The incorrect color coding in the average response time analysis has been fixed.
  • FIXED An display error in the mobile rankings has been fixed.
  • FIXED All sitemaps specified in robots.txt are detected and analyzed.
  • FIXED An error with XML sitemap detection has been fixed.
  • FIXED KML files are handled as a non-analyzable file type again.
  • FIXED An error with UTF-8 encoding of external links has been fixed.
  • FIXED Line breaks in the source text are taken into account in the plain text block recognition.
  • FIXED Forwardings are encoded correctly again.
  • FIXED An error in the display of Local Packs has been fixed.
  • FIXED The weekly ranking report shows the number of ranking keywords and their changes to competitors.
  • FIXED The redirect loops that contain a Canoncial link are now also shown in the Canonical Link Analysis.
  • FIXED Manual keyword data refresh has been improved.
  • FIXED An error in the CSV export of found URLs in sitemaps has been fixed.
  • FIXED An error in the PDF export of the backlinks competitor comparison has been fixed.
  • FIXED We have fixed incorrect page analysis with the error "Bot error unknown" in standard crawling (without JavaScript).

Version 1.7.4 09/30/2021

  • ADDED Seobility is now also available in Spanish !! 🇪🇸
  • ADDED We achieved a significant performance increase in our crawling by optimizing jobs.
  • CHANGED Already removed Backlinks won't be listed in the Backlink Profile anymore.
  • CHANGED When analyzing alt-attributes alt="", tracking pixels won't be evaluated.
  • CHANGED CSV exports of results with shortened problem lists will now include all problems.
  • FIXED Ranking results regarding local pack data have been corrected.
  • FIXED The country selection in the TF*IDF tool has been fixed.
  • FIXED The www-redirect check of a robots.txt file is again included in pdf exports on our SEO Checker .
  • FIXED Errors stating "chrome-error:" in the JavaScript crawling have been corrected.
  • FIXED Problems with URL s from Passage Rankings have been fixed.

Version 1.7.3 08/09/2021

  • ADDED You can now use the link building tools without having added any competitors.
  • ADDED The check for consistent redirects with http:// and https:// has been added to the project overview.
  • CHANGED Keyword recommendations in the Keyword Research Tool have been adjusted for, and
  • CHANGED The evaluation of backlink anchor texts now also includes special characters.
  • FIXED Parsing issues with robots.txt files were fixed.
  • FIXED Crawling does work correctly again for button texts in link anchors.

Version 1.7.1 07/14/2021

  • ADDED The Website Ranking Checker now includes Local Pack results.
  • CHANGED WICHTIG The status code of pages which redirect via a canonical link, is now analyzed when crawling. With this, 4xx and 5xx status codes will be detected correctly.
  • FIXED Sitemaps in x-gzip format will now be detected correctly.
  • FIXED A wrong error count for problems with redirects has been fixed.
  • FIXED The unintended creation of URLs for file sources with anchors (#) has been fixed.

Version 1.7 06/21/2021

  • ADDED BETA NEW Seobility Tool: Keyword Research Tool! 🎉 Discover new content ideas, find the low hanging fruits of your domain and analyze the traffic sources of your competitors.

Version 1.6.31 06/10/2021

  • CHANGED Redirects to un-checkable content types 📁 (e.g. PDF, JPEG, PNG & Co.) will no longer be counted as erroneous redirect.
  • FIXED An error in the typo analysis has been fixed.

Version 1.6.30 06/01/2021

  • ADDED Reach our support team even easier with the new help button on every page.
  • CHANGED The typo analysis has been disabled if our bot detected a different language than the one set.
  • FIXED Signups via social sign ups such as Google, Facebook and LinkedIn can now be made in the previously selected currency.
  • FIXED An error in the punctuation of the anchor analysis has been fixed, thus the indication of the referring pages has been improved.

Version 1.6.29 05/26/2021

  • FIXED A bug with exporting PDF reports has been fixed.
  • FIXED The "Share Project" feature assigns all read permissions again.

Version 1.6.27 05/05/2021

  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The change that meta title and description are only checked within the <head> area has been reversed.
  • FIXED An error of the "Share project" feature has been fixed.

Version 1.6.26 04/29/2021

  • FIXED Basic User is allowed to create a URL with subdirectory as start URL.
  • CHANGED These texts in form elements are excluded from the word count: <button>., <option>, <textarea>
  • CHANGED Google uses these #:~:text= anchor tags to link from search results to a specific position of the target URL. These are classic URLs with anchors, so they are ignored in terms of onpage crawling.
  • FIXED An HTML parsing problem with unclosed JavaScript tags has been fixed.

Version 1.6.24 04/21/2021

  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The pixel calculation and display of the meta title was adapted to the font size used by Google (20px).

Version 1.6.23 04/15/2021

  • CHANGED The Broken Backlinks Analysis (BETA version) shows the broken link target, the page rating of the target page and the problem of this page. You can check all referring domains / URLs in the Backlink Checker 🔗.
  • FIXED The selected search engine while adding a keyword is now retained through the process.
  • FIXED An error in adding keywords that incorrectly redirected to the home page has been fixed.

Version 1.6.21 03/17/2021

  • ADDED You can restrict the crawling to a specific subdirectory 📁 directly in the crawler settings. Enter the start URL with the corresponding subdirectory and select the option "crawl only a specific subdirectory".
  • CHANGED The pixel calculation and display of the meta title was adapted to the font size used by Google (22px).
  • FIXED The link source analysis of the anchors used has been improved for domains with a high number of backlinks.
  • CHANGED Calculated link building opportunities are sent to the emails entered in the project settings.
  • FIXED The URL encoding can now also correctly handle '.

Version 1.6.20 03/09/2021

  • CHANGED Meta Title and Description are now only checked within the <head> area.
  • FIXED XML files are excluded from the analysis "Pages with big file size".
  • FIXED The analysis of duplicate page titles has been improved.

Version 1.6.19 02/25/2021

  • FIXED The charset encoding has been improved by including the following character encodings: iso-8859-7, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1254, gb2312, euc-kr, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-9
  • FIXED An error with the detection of the slash redirect bug has been fixed.
  • CHANGED URLs of files that contain more than 4,000 characters are ignored from now on.

Version 1.6.18 02/23/2021

  • ADDED BETA New feature: Broken Backlink Analysis 🔗 Seobility analyzes the broken backlinks of your projects and the related competitors.

Version 1.6.15 12/09/2020

  • ADDED HTML parsing has been improved and a new error message has been added for better debugging.
  • ADDED The performance of the File Source crawling has been improved.
  • FIXED Thumbnails of domains with umlauts are now displayed correctly.
  • ADDED The parsing of relative sources has been improved.
  • FIXED The PDF report of a single keyword contains the ranking changes over time again.
  • CHANGED You can view the details of Alternate Link errors by clicking on the URL.
  • FIXED A problem with retrieving the ranking data has been fixed.
  • FIXED An error with the logo upload has been fixed.
  • ADDED The text block detection has been improved.

Version 1.6.14 11/17/2020

  • ADDED If you have more than 6 projects, you can add projects to your favorites and bookmark them in the overview.
  • FIXED A display error when changing the domain has been fixed.

Version 1.6.13 10/15/2020

  • ADDED Duplicate content analysis has been improved.
  • FIXED A counting error of the internal links has been fixed.
  • ADDED The Canonical Link Analysis now shows directly whether the target page reports a problematic status code or contains a Canonical Link to another page itself.
  • CHANGED Pages with trivial link text to the page are now only considered problematic if there is no additional descriptive link to the page.
  • ADDED The performance of the sitemap analysis has been improved.
  • CHANGED The maximum character length for tags has been adjusted.
  • FIXED An error in validation of the hostname has been fixed.
  • FIXED The URL to the sitemap can now also contain umlauts.
  • ADDED The Seobility Crawler can handle broken HTML comments.
  • FIXED If a domain change is made, the updated ranking data is also displayed correctly in the dashboard.
  • CHANGED The HTTP version for accessing all pages has been changed from HTTP 2 to HTTP 1.1 to be compatible with pages that don't support HTTP 2.
  • FIXED An error in the Ranking Report has been fixed.
  • ADDED The error message for a failed crawl has been improved.

Version 1.6.12 10/08/2020

  • CHANGED Pages that contain more than 10,000 CDATA tags are no longer analyzed.
  • FIXED An error in the display of already created keywords has been fixed.
  • ADDED The text block recognition has been improved.

Version 1.6.11 10/06/2020

  • FIXED An error in the redirect analysis of Robots.txt has been fixed.
  • ADDED It is now possible to change the domain of the start URL in the crawler settings.

Version 1.6.10 09/30/2020

  • CHANGED Cookiejar is now deactivated - our bot no longer sends cookies.
  • CHANGED The delay time for the daily automatic crawling has increased by the crawling time, but by a maximum of 24 hours.
  • ADDED In case of fatal crawling errors, the HTML code display makes troubleshooting easier.
  • ADDED Pages that are linked with Alternate Links no longer generate errors in the analysis "Competing pages for the same keyword".
  • ADDED The normalization of URLs has been improved.

Version 1.6.9 09/23/2020

  • ADDED Email reports can now be sent to multiple email recipients
  • CHANGED The keyword recognition of subwords has been improved.
  • FIXED The parameter § was not correctly considered in the individual Robots.txt. This error has been fixed.
  • FIXED The redirection target is now also displayed in the CSV export.

Version 1.6.8 09/15/2020

  • CHANGED The number of incoming and outgoing links of a URL has been limited to 1,500.
  • ADDED The parameter ";" in a URL will no longer be encoded.
  • CHANGED Up to 500 Alternate Links will be analyzed from now on.
  • CHANGED The URLs of the file sources will not be normalized.
  • ADDED Improved performance when retrieving the file sources.

Version 1.6.7 09/01/2020

  • ADDED New analysis: Problems with redirects. We will show you if the target URL is not accessible.
  • FIXED The missing URLs in the PDF report have been added.
  • ADDED Typos in title and alt attributes are now also detected.
  • ADDED The Meta information is also shown for erroneous pages.

Version 1.6.5 08/16/2020

  • CHANGED The File Source Analysis has been improved.
  • ADDED Retrieved files are also displayed in the crawlinglog.
  • ADDED Technical problems with outbound links of a page are now displayed in the page analysis.
  • CHANGED The Snippet Generator has been improved.

Version 1.6.4 08/13/2020

  • ADDED The crawling bots will now run independently of the ranking analysis.
  • ADDED File sources are now crawled with improved performance.
  • ADDED HTML parsing has been improved.

Version 1.6.3 07/28/2020

  • ADDED BETA Seobility now also analyzes the XML and TXT sitemaps as well as the RSS and Atom feeds of the websites. The Sitemap Analysis shows you, for example, URLs that are linked only in the sitemaps, but not on the website.
  • FIXED A data mismatch in the File Source analysis has been fixed.
  • CHANGED The keyword monitoring report no longer shows a delta if a keyword is out of the top 100.
  • ADDED The SERP visualisation and analysis in the SERP Snippet Generator has been improved.
  • FIXED The keyword monitoring settings can now be reset with one click.
  • CHANGED The analysis of the WWW redirect has been improved.
  • FIXED The data of the competitor analysis was restored in the ranking report for the monthly view.
  • ADDED Sitemaps that are not included in Robots.txt are now better detected.
  • ADDED The File Source analysis has been improved.
  • ADDED The target URL is now displayed when file sources redirect.

Version 1.6.2 07/16/2020

  • FIXED The detection of PDF attachment downloads has been improved.
  • ADDED The ranking report is limited to 1,000 keywords.
  • CHANGED The analysis “pages with the search engine rankings” are now only updated by a re-crawl.
  • CHANGED WWW redirects are better recognized now.
  • CHANGED The word detection of the keyword analysis has been improved.
  • ADDED External rel="next" and rel="prev" links are now marked with a label.
  • ADDED Keywords can now be copy from the Google Ads account with modifiers and added to Seobility.
  • ADDED BETA New Live Tool: Search Snippet Generator! Write the perfect Meta Title and Description. Click here for the Search Snippet Generator.

Version 1.6.1 07/07/2020

  • ADDED BETA Seobility now also checks the images, CSS and JavaScript files of the websites. More information on the new analysis.
  • FIXED An error in the redirect check has been fixed.
  • ADDED Filler texts and images are now also recognized if they are integrated on websites.
  • FIXED The incorrect PDF export of the competitor analysis has been corrected.
  • CHANGED Detection of text on pages with a lot of inline CSS has been improved.
  • CHANGED SERP snippets have been visually adapted to the display of Google search results.
  • ADDED The SERP Snippet Generator allows you to enter a target keyword.
  • FIXED The display error in the Rankings Dashboard for keywords which were created for the search engine has been fixed.

Version 1.5.21 06/10/2020

  • CHANGED The filter option of the keyword list in the Rankings Dashboard has been improved.
  • ADDED Calculated link building opportunities are automatically reset after one month.
  • ADDED Changed crawler settings can be reset to the default settings by a button.
  • FIXED The list of keyword suggestions has been improved.
  • FIXED Headings in stacked style tags will be detected better now.
  • FIXED The WDF*IDF Tool now shows analyzable results if the submitted URL does not contain the specified keyword.
  • CHANGED The general performance of the tool interface has been improved.

Version 1.5.20 06/03/2020

  • ADDED Mentions in featured snippets are now also shown in the CSV export.
  • ADDED The information about rel="prev" and rel="next" is now also available for "noindex" websites.
  • FIXED Alt attributes are now also detected if src is not contained in the img-tag.
  • FIXED The handling of base64 encoded images in source code has been improved.
  • FIXED The analysis of external links with anchors has been improved.
  • FIXED The typo analysis has been improved.

Version 1.5.19 05/06/2020

  • CHANGED The link building opportunities will no longer be deleted automatically after a new crawl.
  • FIXED The list of potential URLs in the rank tracking of single keywords has been improved.
  • FIXED The analysis of HTML codes with large inline CSS blocks has been improved.

Version 1.5.18 04/24/2020

  • ADDED The SEO check now shows which insecure ressources are linked on a secure https page.
  • ADDED Seobility now supports TXT sitemaps.
  • ADDED There is a notice in the SEO check now, when the deprecated AJAX crawling technology "escaped_fragment" is used.
  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The pixel length calculation of title tags and meta-descriptions has been adjusted to better reflect the current format of Google Snippets.
  • FIXED The handling of base64 encoded images in source code has been improved.

Version 1.5.17 02/20/2020

  • ADDED BETA Citations in featured snippets are now recognized within rank tracking and will be displayed with a symbol in top rankings. For visibility calculation, they will be handled like organic search engine rankings on the given position.
  • FIXED An incorrect interpretation of rel="prev" and rel="next" links has been fixed.
  • FIXED The performance of the backlink dashboard has been improved.
  • FIXED The display of duplicates for Strong and Bold tags has been improved.
  • FIXED A bug when creating keywords has been fixed.
  • FIXED When sharing a project via the share link, the backlink analysis can now also be accessed correctly.

Version 1.5.16 02/10/2020

  • ADDED All suggested keywords can now be added at once within keyword suggestions.
  • ADDED The keyword suggestions in ranking monitoring can now also be used by users with a basic plan.
  • FIXED A display bug in the "Link opportunities from top-ranked pages" of the backlink analysis has been fixed.
  • CHANGED Link rating values are now displayed in the "Link building tools" in the backlinks analysis.
  • FIXED An encoding problem with greek characters has been fixed.
  • CHANGED Improvements in JavaScript crawling and parsing has been made for handling lazy loading.

Version 1.5.15 01/09/2020

  • FIXED An error that caused the link building tools calculation not to be finished has been fixed.
  • ADDED It is now possible to jump directly to the corresponding analysis area from the SEO check to-do list.
  • FIXED Due to a bug, the custom robots.txt in the crawler settings were not applied correctly. This problem has been fixed.
  • FIXED An incorrect handling of URLs with a double slash // has been fixed.

Version 1.5.14 12/05/2019

  • ADDED The ranking results can now be refreshed with live rankings of a given search term. The same limit for updates applies as for the use of the ranking check.
  • FIXED The crawler handles huge inline CSS tags on webpages much better now.
  • FIXED The CPC value for a search term in the ranking monitoring will now be correctly converted into major currencies (Dollar and Euro).
  • FIXED A more understandable message is now displayed when HTTP status code 429 occurs.
  • CHANGED For pages that are not analyzed due to robots meta noindex , there is now a detailed information.
  • FIXED Improved recognition of word repetitions in Spanish language.

Version 1.5.13 10/22/2019

  • FIXED Websites created with are now crawled and analyzed more properly.
  • FIXED Backlinks are now sorted consistently by Link rating.
  • ADDED The backlink dashboard now displays the reason when a link has been recognized as lost.
  • FIXED The TF*IDF tool better supports languages besides the Latin alphabet.
  • ADDED When creating a ranking report, the custom logo can be changed directly in the report form.
  • CHANGED The behavior of URL links is now standardized. A click on an URL opens the detailed view of the URL. A click on the icon opens the URL itself in a new browser tab/window.
  • FIXED Relative links with parameters (e.g. <a href="?parameter=value">anchor text</a>) are now supported correctly.
  • FIXED Fixed a bug that caused umlaut domains not to be recognized correctly in the ranking monitoring and the ranking check.
  • ADDED BETA New feature: Agency accounts can now create sub-accounts to share individual projects with team members and specify different permissions.
  • ADDED Seobility now supports x-eu localization and will no longer treat this as an error.

Version 1.5.12 07/30/2019

  • ADDED BETA New Live Tool: Backlink Check! With the Backlink Check you can perform a backlink analysis for any domain or URL and export the found backlinks as CSV or PDF. Click here to go to Backlink Checker
  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The Duplicate Content analysis has been completely revised. Duplicates are now organized in duplicate groups. This makes the analysis more comprehensible and the usability much better. Due to the change of the analysis algorithm there may be minor changes of the values after a new crawling.
  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The User Agent for the Seobility Bot is now uniform for crawling and all tools: SeobilityBot (SEO Tool;
  • CHANGED E-mails sent from the Seobility platform are now completely handled via the e-mail service provider Mailgun. TLS 1.1/1.2 is also supported.
  • CHANGED Embedded JavaScript and CSS files are now also checked in the analysis Non HTTPS content on HTTPS pages.
  • FIXED Emojis in URLs and HTML pages are now supported without errors 🎉

Version 1.5.11 06/03/2019

  • ADDED BETA New Live Tool: Redirect Check, checks if a unified redirect for www. and without www. sub domains as well as for http:// and https:// has been configured correctly. Redirects are also checked for subpages and there are Code Snippets for Apache and NGINX configuration.
  • CHANGED The handling of "+" characters in URLs has been standardized. All URLs, including Canonical Links etc. with "+" characters are encoded uniformly according to RFC 3986.
  • FIXED Faster Seobility Dashboard load time for accounts with more than 50 projects.
  • FIXED Fixed a rare error when saving text blocks for duplicate content analysis.

Version 1.5.10 02/22/2019

  • ADDED BETA The Seobility Software is now also available as branded whitelabel. Are you interested in a whitelabel cooperation? Just send a short mail to [email protected]
  • CHANGED Twitter has been removed as login method. Affected users have been notified.
  • CHANGED Brotli is supported as content encoding for compressed transmission of HTML files and is no longer considered as missing compression.
  • CHANGED Improved CSV and PDF Export for Top100 Keyword Rankings.
  • CHANGED From now on, screenshots of websites are no longer from the homepage of the domain, but from the specified or analyzed page.
  • FIXED Cookie Disclaimer Texts are now better ignored when analyzing "Content that appears on several pages".
  • FIXED Error handling &shy;­ for word separation fixed.
  • FIXED Error with HTML pages with very large <style> Blocks was fixed.
  • FIXED Delta value for visibility changes in the PDF Ranking Report adjusted to the start and end time of the report.

Version 1.5.9 12/19/2018

  • ADDED New analysis: Pages found in search engine rankings. Pages that are not internally linked, but have search engine rankings, will be marked.
  • ADDED Pages that were unreachable during crawling will be re-checked at the end of the crawling.
  • ADDED Duplicate text on a page will be checked and displayed in the SEO Check
  • CHANGED IMPORTANT The minimum length of the Meta Description has been changed from 250 pixels to 400 pixels.
  • CHANGED PDF reports now include a donut graph with the overall optimization score.
  • FIXED Missing search volume chart values in monthly visibility graph have been fixed.
  • FIXED Keywords containing an unnecessary trailing dot has been fixed in TF*IDF Tool.
  • FIXED JavaScript crawling now ignores URLs with the following file extensions: 'pdf', 'exe', 'xml', 'gz', 'rss', 'xml.gz', 'rss', 'atom', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx' , 'ppt', 'rtf', 'dxf', 'dwg', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'cvf', 'gpx', 'jpg', 'msi', 'dmg', 'tar.xz', 'zip', '7z', 'tar.gz', 'tar', 'rar', 'exe', 'vcf', 'iso', 'ymp', 'apk', 'ics', 'scr', 'bat'. Unnecessary bot errors are corrected. Of course, the URLs will still be included in links and statistics, but not analyzed for on-page criteria.
  • FIXED The usability of the analysis tables has been improved so the column width does not change anymore.

Version 1.5.8 11/30/2018

  • ADDED BETA Multi account feature to create sub accounts, including individual project sharing added. If you are interested in multi/sub accounts please contact us at [email protected]
  • ADDED Mark projects for deletion, so projects are not deleted completely unintentionally any more.
  • ADDED More information in keyword lists for keywords dropped out from top 100 with last ranking URL.
  • CHANGED Acceptable page title length has been increased from 570 pixels to 580 pixels.
  • CHANGED Better information of competing keywords in the onsite analysis "Competing pages for the same keyword".
  • FIXED CSV Export of Linkbuilding Opportunities: "Link opportunities from top ranked pages" was missing the position of the ranked page.
  • FIXED Problems with social login and time zones have been fixed.
  • FIXED Problems with "Soft Hyphens" in keywords has been fixed.
  • FIXED The wrong header for Accept-Language in tools crawler has been fixed.
  • FIXED Missing alt attributes for videos are no longer recognized as an issue.

Version 1.5.7 10/30/2018

  • ADDED API TF*IDF Check is now available via API. If interested, please contact: [email protected]
  • CHANGED SEO Check now checks if canonical link corresponds to the currently checked page in the tool.
  • CHANGED Number of possible tags for rank tracking search terms has been increased to 10.
  • FIXED Clicks on external links in the seobility tool are now redirected without a confirm.
  • FIXED Corrected word count per sentence in Russian-language pages with Cyrillic punctuation.
  • FIXED Reset password function has been fixed.
  • FIXED Usability issues when selecting keywords in competitor keyword suggestions has been fixed.